Nourish Yourself this Fall


The month of September is an ideal time to slow down and gently support the body during the transition from summer into autumn. According to Ayurveda, we can accumulate heat during the summer months and need to release the effects of this excess heat from the body before moving into the fall season. Taking a few days to gently detox by avoiding any activities or foods that overtax the body is a recommended strategy to avoid inflammation, irritability, burnout, and fatigue.


Since autumn is marked by rapidly shifting and cooler temperatures, September is also a good time to establish routines and nourishing self-care practices that do not shock the system. One of the simplest ways to nurture yourself during vata season (marked by the qualities of air) is to eat warm cooked foods. Soup is an ideal way to consume a variety of vegetables and this beautiful detox soup also supports the liver’s natural process of clearing the body of excess pitta (or fire) from the summer.

Carrot & Ginger Detox Soup

coconut oil
1 onion
1 inch knob of ginger peeled and grated
2 pound bag of carrots
1tsp cumin powder
½ tsp turmeric
4 cups water or vegetable stock
sea salt/black pepper

In a large pot, cook onions in coconut oil until translucent and soft. Peel and grate ginger and add to onions. Add spices and a hint of water to prevent burning.  After a minute, add carrots and cook for a few minutes to coat with spices. Add water or broth and salt/pepper. Simmer for about 45 minutes or until carrots are soft. Puree with an immersion blender and add water if too thick  Add more salt and pepper to taste.

Stay warm and take good care!

xo Kika


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